Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Something for Kiwis, Saffas, Swedes and the rest of you.

Oh, we are so international comrades. Swedish pop tonight, South African and New Zealand rugby on Saturday, we even have a band with a Japanese place name later that night.

Tuesday 8th May

Anglo Svensk Promotions presents a night of Swedish pop with some English support.
Thomas Denver Jonsson www.thomasdenver.com Thomas continues his indie/folk journey
with the current recordings of his introspective third LP “The Lake Acts Like An Ocean” which will be released during 2007.
Stars of Aviation www.starsofaviation.co.uk Stars of Aviation are a pop group with up to 9 members who play pop music with trumpet, guitars, accordion, keyboards and bassoon. Latest single, Marie et l'accordeon, was described as "a slice of escapist wonder".
The Tarantula Waltz www.myspace.com/tarantulaband A lovely acoustic folk/country solo act from Sweden.
£4 entry

Wednesday 9th May
The Bing Bong Room presents incredible bands from outside the box. Live sets from
New Legends www.myspace.com/newlegends intelligent emo-style rock from a group fresh from supporting my chemical romance. these guys are better.
Grandeur Rat www.myspace.com/grandeurrat off-kilter guitar pop riffery from one of your new favourite bands.
Daddylonglegs www.myspace.com/daddylonglegsuk Think about Elvis Costello and Field Music forming a band. Nice, isn't it?
Penfold Gate www.myspace.com/penfoldgate Pavement-style cute guitar pop from Nottinghams favourite.

DJ set from Lady and The Tramp.

£5 entry. £3 guest list from leehowdi@gmail.com

Thursday 10th May

Bloody Awful Poetry presents a night of indie.
The Matadors www.myspace.com/thematadorsuk Good, clean, punky art rock.

Bow Mods www.myspace.com/bowmods They make short melodic songs from peculiar sounds and arresting lyrics about road rage, regicide, relationships, rough & tumble on the Roman Road.
Punk Recruit www.myspace.com/punkrecruit Angular, yet bouncy indie fayre.
£5 entry. Email bloodyawfulpoetryclub@googlemail.com for cheaper.
Friday 11th May

Friday Funktion presents a night of banging funk, hiphop, jazzfunk and indie dance crossover.

Fugazirum www.myspace.com/fugazirum a 6-piece Blues/Hip Hop/Alternative band.
The Honky Tonk Orchestra www.myspace.com/thehonkytonkorchestra The hardier of the the NW London jazz funk revivalists
Vizion www.myspace.com/vizionband8 fresh and funky, comparisons have been made to Jamiroquai and James Brown
Kaya www.myspace.com/officialkaya slamming live beats and grooves at a pace that will force you to judder and make you want to run to your mummy.
Elviin www.myspace.com/elviin Highly rated soul singer with tremendous voice and lush arramgements.
Bands from 8 til 1130 and after DJ Badly and Dorn playing mashed up beats from Beatles to Chemical Brothers with The Clash and more thrown in plus top quality house.
£5 entry £4 with print of this
Saturday 12th May
during the day we have the Super 14s semi finals on the big screen at 2 and 430.

Saturday 12th May

Peace In The City presents a night of leftfield pop, invention and melody.

Old Street Musical Union www.myspace.com/oldstreetmusicalunion By turns raw, witty and acerbic, Old Street Musical Union move effortlessly between musical styles, while always managing to retain a sound that is all their own

Party In Hiroshima www.myspace.com/partyinhiroshima Ethereal and otherworldly on one hand and the best glitchpop postrock has to offer on the other.
The Sandrina Mixtapes www.myspace.com/thesandrinamixtapes a cutting, brash yet uplifting and melodic sound of punk rock mixed generously with an aching melancholy and a restrained lust for life.
Device www.myspace.com/devicemusic an incendiary live act: while compelling lyrics and hooks like a Japanese whaling fleet have ensured an ever-growing army of truly sectionable fans.
After Maurice and Judy DJ from 1130 til 4am playing a mix of latest and classic indie, Motown, ska, funk and disco.
£5 entry £4 with print of this

Sunday 13th May

Anna presents (Un)hooked up an evening of up and coming soloists and bands doing unplugged sets from 7pm to 11pm. At least 5 acts including...

Cris Tanzi www.myspace.com/cristanzi Listen closely for a hint of bittersweet melancholy a touch of hidden
longing in the fragile folk pop of Italian singer-songwriter Cris Tanzi.
Smoke Feathers www.myspace.com/smokefeathers
This big ol' kid mixes up vibes from South America, the Caribbean, hippety-hoppety, acoustic soul and anything that don't have a sell-by date.
Mozzy Green www.myspace.com/mozzygreen
"There is nothing safe or easy about Mozzy Green's music. It is dangerous, edgy and thrilling fuelled with a spirit more rock n' roll than anything you
might find in the pages of NME"

New artists recommended to come along and introduce for future slots.

£3 entry.

all aboard...


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